the story behind Souls

Welcome! I'm Ayda, the founder of Souls, home of soul series journals. A brand about fostering proper reflection and deep connection with one's Soul. 

A few years ago I noticed a common desire among my friends and family to engage in the art of journaling as a means of reflection, but often they struggle to get started. They buy beautiful blank journals with good intentions, only to find them collecting dust on a shelf. Everyone would often ask me how I manage to journal so consistently, it got me thinking.

I explored the market for prompted journals, hoping to find something that would truly inspire introspection and meaningful reflection. But I was disappointed to find that many available options were repetitive, vague, and lacked depth.

That's when I realized there was a genuine need for prompted journals that go beyond the surface level—journals with questions that compel you to pause and truly delve into your emotions. And it wasn't just about creating one journal; it was about developing a series tailored to specific moments in one's life journey.

Struggling to find your true self? We have a journal for that. Going through a tough break-up? We have a journal for that too. About to embark on a life-changing adventure? You guessed it, we have a journal for that as well. The series is forever growing.

At Souls, we're dedicated to providing you with the tools you need to embark on a journey of Soul connection and growth.

Join us as we help you navigate life's chapters one prompted journal at a time.